Please feel free to contact me by phone if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment or consultation.
604-274-7267 (office)
604-716-8854 (cell)
Office Locations
Richmond (Ironwood Plaza)
155 – 11331 Coppersmith Way
Richmond, BC V7A 5J9
Vancouver (Corner of Broadway and Ash)
300 – 601 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2
Directions to the Richmond office from Vancouver
- Follow Oak Street south over the Oak Street Bridge to Highway 99.
- Turn right at the Steveston Highway exit.
- Turn left at Coppersmith Place (the second light).
- Turn right at Canadian Tire (you are now in the Ironwood Plaza).
- Drive to the end of the Canadian Tire building, continue past two rows of parked cars, and turn left.
- You are now facing a three storey building with the words “Riverside Professional Centre” at the top.
- Suite 155 is on the opposite side of the building. Look for a door that opens directly onto the parking lot (my name is on the door). Parking is free.